PDP-Laban disowns Freddie Aguilar despite ‘certificate’

Paterno R. Esmaquel II

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PDP-Laban disowns Freddie Aguilar despite ‘certificate’


The singer submits a certificate of nomination and acceptance from what party president Koko Pimentel calls a 'rogue' PDP-Laban

MANILA, Philippines – Ruling party PDP-Laban disowned singer Freddie Aguilar as one of its senatorial bets despite a certificate of nomination and acceptance (CONA) submitted by Aguilar on Thursday, October 11.

“Freddie Aguilar is not a candidate of PDP-Laban,” said PDP-Laban public information officer Ron Munsayac. 

“Although we welcome his run for senator, the party did not issue a CONA to Freddie Aguilar. We have yet to see his documents, but, speaking with authority, ’di namin siya in-issue-han ng CONA (We did not issue him a CONA),” Munsayac added. 

The CONA is supposed to prove that an individual is a certain party’s bet. It is submitted alongside the certificate of candidacy (COC) of each candidate. 

Aguilar submitted to the Comelec a CONA signed by Wilfredo Talag, who claimed to be the secretary general of PDP-Laban. 


Talag is part of what party president Senator Aquilino Pimentel III describes as a “rogue” PDP-Laban faction. (READ: Duterte to ‘unify’ PDP-Laban factions

Pimentel was first to file a COC, and Aguilar came immediately after him. They were seated next to each other while filing COCs, but Pimentel and Aguilar did not speak or interact. – Rappler.com


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Paterno R. Esmaquel II

Paterno R. Esmaquel II is a senior multimedia reporter covering religion for Rappler. He also teaches journalism at the University of Santo Tomas. For story ideas or feedback, email pat.esmaquel@rappler.com.