COA flags MMDA’s unfinished flood control projects

James Patrick Cruz

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COA flags MMDA’s unfinished flood control projects

FLOODED. Pedestrians and children wade a flooded road after heavy rains inundated Manila on October 13, 2022.


The Commission on Audit report shows that 33 out of 47 projects worth a total of over P825 million were not fully implemented

MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Audit (COA) questioned the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) for its unfinished flood control projects.

Based on the COA’s 2022 audit report, 33 out of 47 projects worth a total of over P825 million were not fully implemented.

According to the state auditor, the delays were attributed to the following:

  • supplier’s request for extension of deliveries
  • change in procurement specifications
  • delays in the procurement activities
  • revision of contract cost or contract duration
  • noncompliance of consultants in the documentary requirements
  • relocation of site or project redesign

The documents from the Bureau of Treasury showed that from 2018 to 2022, MMDA’s Metro Manila Flood Management Phase 1 Project incurred over P27-million commitment fees.

COA said the low utilization of loan proceeds caused the incurrence of higher commitment fees, which could have been used by the government for other priority programs and projects.

The state auditor urged the MMDA to fast-track the implementation of projects by adopting efficient and remedial measures.

The MMDA, on the other hand, explained that changes in the administration, both in the MMDA and the World Bank, affected the procurement and other processes that require management approval.

The MMDA added that it prioritized the remaining procurement items and utilized continuing funds from the previous years.

Moving forward, the MMDA said they would adopt an early procurement method to maximize budget utilization. –

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James Patrick Cruz

Patrick Cruz is a researcher and writer for Rappler’s governance cluster. Before transferring to Rappler's Research team, he covered local governments focusing on Metro Manila.