Negros Occidental

In Negros Occidental, young bride gives birth minutes before Valentine’s Day wedding

Erwin Delilan

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In Negros Occidental, young bride gives birth minutes before Valentine’s Day wedding

WEDDING AFTER BIRTH. Zyrha Mae Laraya and Lendon Mondia are wed inside the delivery room, with their newborn as witness.

'It was indeed as double celebration of marriage and life in one sitting,' says Moises Padilla Mayor Ella Celestina Garcia-Yulo, who administered the wedding of the couple at the municipal health office where the bride had just given birth

What a coincidence.

An 18-year-old bride from the mountain town of Moises Padilla in Negros Occidental suffered from  stomach pain and contractions just minutes before she participated in a mass wedding inside the mayor’s office on Valentine’s Day, February 14.

Rushed to the nearby municipal health office, Zyrha Mae Laraya, still clad in her white wedding dress, gave birth to a baby girl.

Town doctors Lyle Ladera and Wena June Acson assisted the bride until she successfully delivered her baby that weighed 2.8 kilograms or 6 pounds and 17 ounces.

Laraya was earlier expected to give birth around March 3. Acson said in a phone interview that “it was a normal delivery” since records showed that she underwent a complete pre-natal check up.

Moises Padilla Mayor Ella Celestina Garcia-Yulo had to administer a special wedding ceremony for the couple at the municipal health office (MHO) alongside their newborn on the same day.

“I just finished the ceremony for the five couples inside my office then after lunch, I personally proceeded to MHO to also wed the lucky couple,” said the mayor, who even brought cake and wine for the event.

“It was indeed as double celebration of marriage and life in one sitting,” she said.

The groom, 22-year-old Lendon Mondia, saw the birth of their second child ahead of their wedding ceremony as good luck for their family.

Laraya is thankful for her safe delivery.

The couple have been living together for about four years. They had their first child when Laraya was 15. When she got pregnant again, they decided to join the kasalang bayan (mass wedding) organized by the municipal government on February 14.

Two other grooms who took part in the kasalang bayan in Moises Padilla are brothers of Mondia. –

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