Not all EPD cops pleased with Mocha Uson as community relations speaker

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Not all EPD cops pleased with Mocha Uson as community relations speaker
The Eastern Police District reportedly withdrew an invitation to a businessman – the original event speaker – in favor of the controversial blogger

When the Eastern Police District (EPD) observed its 24th Police Community Relations Month Culmination Ceremony on Monday, July 29, controversial blogger and staunch President Rodrigo Duterte supporter Mocha Uson was guest speaker.

It was not the original plan.

Police sources told Rappler that a number of EPD officials did not approve of the idea of inviting the former Malacañang communications official because of her negative image, among them having been caught deliberately posting false or misleading information on her blog.

EPD Chief Directorial Staff Colonel Orlando Yebra Jr prevailed, however, and had Uson invited as guest speaker. (READ: Mocha Uson: Fake news victim or fake news peddler?)

Sources said the EPD had already invited a businessman, who had been very supportive of the police district, as guest speaker. Since Yebra insisted on having Uson, however, the EPD reportedly had to take back the invitation extended to the businessman. 

Journalists covering the EPD were not informed about the event, because some officials reportedly thought the media would bash them for getting Uson for the event. (READ: Mocha Uson not yet off the hook, Ombudsman probe continues)

Rappler sourced photos from the event, however, shared publicly by some EPD cops, showing them posing with the blogger for souvenir shots. 

Mocha was wearing a white blouse and denim pants. After her speech, cops took a photo with her.

The sources didn’t say what Uson said in her very short speech. What’s your guess? –  

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