VP electoral protest

Netizens congratulate Marcos for earning most losses in single election

Sofia Virtudes

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Netizens congratulate Marcos for earning most losses in single election
Bongbong Marcos has been pretty good at not winning the vice presidential seat
Netizens congratulate Marcos for earning most losses in single election

After 4 long years, Vice President Leni Robredo’s words remain true: the last man standing is a woman.

The Supreme Court (SC) acting as Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET) on Tuesday, February 16, unanimously dismissed 2016 vice presidential candidate Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr’s poll protest against Robredo.

This concluded years of litigation by the High Court, marked by attempts to make lead justices inhibit from the case.

The poll protest, which Marcos filed in 2017, had been closely followed by the public for years, with supporters on both camps rallying behind their bets online and offline.

Several Filipinos online welcomed the SC’s final ruling on the case, with some mockingly congratulating Marcos for maintaining his losing streak in the fight for the vice presidency.

Twitter user @EngrsOfMNL jokingly said Marcos set the world record for the most number of losses in a single election.

It’s a title no one wants, but one which Marcos has successfully, though inadvertently, claimed.

Former PTV4 reporter Jules Guiang broke down Marcos’ 3-peat record, reminding the public of his second loss in 2019 after the poll protest recount revealed that Robredo only widened her lead over Marcos.

Needless to say, some also congratulated Robredo, the rightfully-proclaimed vice president, for proving her victory thrice against her rival.

Here’s how others reacted to the Supreme Court decision:

– Rappler.com

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Sofia Virtudes

Sofia Virtudes is a former digital communications specialist for Rappler.