WATCH: A red line at the heart of #COP21

Fritzie Rodriguez

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Over a hundred civil society representatives carry a long trail of red cloth to represent 'red lines.' In climate negotations, red lines refer to issues that cannot be compromised.

LE BOURGET, France – A red line cut through the heart of the venue of the Paris climate talks, as civil society organizations gathered to call for call climate justice as the negotiations are about to wrap up.

On Friday, December 11, over a hundred civil society representatives carried a long trail of red cloth along the “Champs Elysees” road at the Le Bourget conference center to represent “red lines.” In climate negotations vocabulary, red lines refer to issues that cannot be compromised.

As for the civil society’s own red lines, they are urging world leaders to put forward zero emissions, equity, climate finance, justice, and compliance.

The red lines would then be taken out on the streets for a major gathering of climate advocates on Saturday, December 12, along the Avenue de la Grande Armée near the Arc de Triomphe.

On Thursday evening, the second version of the draft agreement was released. The climate talks was then extended to Saturday, when negotiators are expected to come up with a final version.

Leaders from 195 countries and one block (the European Union) came together for the 21st Conference of the Parties or COP21, all in the name of combatting climate change.

The two-week affair ends, hopefully, with an agreement among governments to reduce their carbon emissions and to improve mechanisms on saving the planet. –

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