Sisig-loving Jordan Clarkson promises to ‘keep representing the Pinoys’

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Sisig-loving Jordan Clarkson promises to ‘keep representing the Pinoys’
Jordan Clarkson is ready to contribute to the Los Angeles Lakers, regardless of whether he starts or comes off the bench.

MANILA, Philippines – After months of waiting and off-season drama, the new NBA season is upon us once again. Like all seasons before, the action kicks off officially with training camp, where some reporters get to ask players a few questions. Of course, Filipino reporters abroad had their sights set on one player in particular.

Representing the basketball-crazy Philippines is Lakers combo guard Jordan Clarkson, who rose to prominence after breaking out as LA’s second-leading scorer behind the legendary Kobe Bryant in 2016.

Entering his fourth season as a pro with the Lakers, Clarkson answered questions for the media during the team’s Media Day last Tuesday, September 26. 

In the interview, he revealed that his favorite Filipino food is sisig despite admitting that he adheres to a strict diet.

More importantly than his fascination with greasy food, however, is his mindset entering the new season. While the team made considerable noise in the off-season, Clarkson kept his head down and focused on the game – a contrasting trait within the bright lights of Hollywood. 

When asked about his expectations for this season, he said, “For me, I’m just trying to compete, man. If they play me off the bench or as a starter – going out there impacting the game, trying to win games is where [I’m] at. So I’m trying to get that Sixth Man of the Year.” 

As a final word, Clarkson thanked his Filipino fans once again for their continued support: “Appreciate y’all and I’m gonna keep representing the Pinoys.” – with reports from Jhay Oh Otamias and JR Isaga/

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