HIGHLIGHTS: Golden State Warriors vs Cleveland Cavaliers – NBA Finals 2018 Game 2


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HIGHLIGHTS: Golden State Warriors vs Cleveland Cavaliers – NBA Finals 2018 Game 2
Bookmark for updates of Game 2 of the 2018 NBA Finals on June 3, 8 PM ET (June 4, 8 AM in Manila) live from Oracle Arena in Oakland, California

MANILA, Philippines – All grumbles of boredom of a 4th edition of the NBA championship showdown between the Golden State Warriors and the Cleveland Cavaliers came to a screeching halt.

After a highly physical, controversial, and even meme-worthy opener, the Warriors expect more of the same as the defending champions go for a 2-0 lead against the Cavaliers. 

LeBron James, who erupted for a playoffs career-high 51 points, vowed to make a strong fightback after the Cavs lost in overtime to the Warriors, 124-114, in Game 1 last Thursday, May 31 (Friday, June 1 in Manila).

Last season’s Finals MVP Kevin Durant unloaded 26 points, 9 rebounds and 3 blocks for the Warriors, while the “Splash Brothers” of Steph Curry and Klay Thompson were no slouches either, combining for 53 points and 10 triples.

Draymond Green also held the fort for the Warriors and flirted with a triple-double in a jam-packed statline: 13 points, 11 boards, 9 assists, 5 steals and 3 blocks. 

Despite the redundancy of these rivals meeting up in the Finals, the Warriors and Cavaliers proved that they can still work their magic together and churn out thrillers like Game 1.

Here’s the 2018 NBA Finals schedule, Philippine time:

Follow Rappler’s live blog for updates of the 2018 NBA Finals on Monday, June 4, starting at 8 am (Manila time)!

– Rappler.com

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