
‘Dream space’: AcadArena boosts campus gaming

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‘Dream space’: AcadArena boosts campus gaming


AcadArena unveils one of its new esports school hubs in the Laguna campus of National University

MANILA, Philippines – AcadArena, which aims to empower campus esports communities, has launched new convertible student hubs that may just be a dream space for young gamers. 

AcadArena Spaces, built for students engaged in gaming, esports, and other tech activities, will rise in the National University (NU) Laguna campus this April.

The hubs are fully-equipped facilities that offer high-end PCs and a student lounge for study, play, and events, with a modular design that allows for customizable additions to fit the student community’s needs. 

“We’ve always treated campuses as our partners in esports, thus when developing Spaces we focus on balancing the specific needs of a campus with the wants of esports athletes and student gamers,” said AcadArena scholastic partnerships manager Atty. Isaiah San Miguel.

With dedicated support for student clubs, AcadArena Spaces provide more than just a computer laboratory for academic institutions as they also create vibrant programs for ithe students. 

“AcadArena’s strong focus on developing student communities combined with our extensive experience in the esports industry makes us the perfect partner for campuses that are looking to start investing more in esports and gaming,” said San Miguel.

Tailor-fit spaces

Spaces are highly adaptable, and AcadArena can transform any existing classroom or computer laboratory into a dream esports facility – a student lounge, a competition hub, a broadcast studio, and a mini-esports arena – all white working with space and budget limitations. 

A single classroom can be readily transformed into an esports competition hub where student athletes can train, scrim, and compete in.

NU Laguna opted for a mixed-use Space to maximize all the physical space at their disposal. The result was a classroom and learning center during the day that turns into a play area and mobile lounge after class hours.

“We’re proud to say that our approach has been well-received, and we’re already in talks with several other campuses who are interested in developing their unique AcadArena Space,” says AcadArena co-founder and chief executive officer Kevin Hoang. 

“We believe that the success of these Spaces is down to our ability to work closely with campus officials to understand the needs of their students and create Spaces that cater to those needs.”

AcadArena said it’s currently supporting over a hundred student gamers and “committed to providing the best platform for competition” by hosting the largest university esports league in the Philippines.

AcadArena co-founder and chief executive officer Kevin Hoang

The ongoing Alliance Games, the premier collegiate esports competition in the country featuring four different titles, has brought together hundreds of schools. 

Also lined up this year is CONQuest, one of the largest pop culture festivals in Southeast Asia. –

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