FIBA, Molten unveil official ball for World Cup in Spain

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For the first time, a custom designed basketball will be used for the FIBA World Cup in Spain this year

OFFICIAL BALL. The International Basketball Federation or FIBA has unveiled its official ball to be used in this year's FIBA World Cup in Spain. Photo from

MANILA, Philippines – The International Basketball Federation or FIBA together with Molten have unveiled the official basketball to be used in this year’s FIBA World Cup in Spain.

According to the report posted Thursday, January 30 on, this will mark the very first time that a custom designed basketball was made for an individual event. The ball was made in partnership with Molten, the league’s longtime basketball provider and a world leading manufacturer of top notch sports balls.

The report notes that in the past FIBA tourneys, the official ball only bore the logo of the particular event. This year, however, there will be a more detailed and exclusive design tailored specifically for the 2014 tournament slated on August 30 to September 14 in Spain.

According to the report, “the GL7 game ball will combine Molten’s trademark 12-panel, two-tone Giugiaro design with a new custom 2014 FIBA Basketball World Cup design.”

Patrick Baumann, FIBA Secretary General and International Olympic Committee (IOC) Member, was very pleased to unveil the ball, saying that it reflects the identity and feel of this year’s World Cup.

“This ball is one-of-a-kind because it integrates the look and feel of the tournament,” he said in the report. “It brings to life the essence of the logo. You can see the hands that symbolise players fighting for the ball. The bright colours are the ones that best represent the championship.” –

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