Gameplan: Eco-Traveling in Danjugan Island

Nikki Pua

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Gameplan: Eco-Traveling in Danjugan Island
Here are some eco-travel ideas you can try and experience in Danjugan Island

Eco-travelling isn’t just for hardcore green thumbs and tree huggers. More and more people are starting to be more conscious of their travel habits and discovering destinations that actively participate in sustainability and conservation efforts. One of those is Danjugan Island, a marine sanctuary off the Southeastern coast of Negros Occidental.

Through the Philippine Reef and Rainforest Conservation Foundation Inc. (PRRCFI), what was once a threatened ecosystem was transformed into a preserved sanctuary for marine and terrestrial life. 

Here are some eco-travel ideas you can try and experience in Danjugan Island:

1. Join the marine camp. Danjugan Island offers programs for teaching biodiversity, climate change and environmental awareness. Individuals may also sponsor youth camps to send local kids to Danjugan island. 

2. Do a coastal cleanup. One leisurely walk along beaches and you’ll surely collect a handful of trash from different places swept onto shorelines. Next time you travel, bring a garbage bag with you and pick up all the trash you see.

3. Learn to plant mangroves. Mangroves serve a big purpose in the ecosystem. They provide shelter for fingerlings and protect them until they are ready to swim in the sea. Some mangroves take years to grow, which is why it’s important to protect what we already have.

4. Trek through forests and bat caves. Rich wildlife and forests are proof that an area is well-protected. Go trekking through lagoons, caves, or go birdwatching for a close encounter with nature.

5. Go diving and appreciate marine life. Danjugan island used to an over-fished area. After conservation efforts, it now boasts of over 700 species of fish and hard corals. Diving and snorkeling in this sanctuary will remind you of their beauty and why they should be protected. –

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