NBA regular season

HIGHLIGHTS: Trail Blazers vs Nets – NBA seeding games 2020

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HIGHLIGHTS: Trail Blazers vs Nets – NBA seeding games 2020
Now at 8th place in the Western Conference, the Blazers must beat the Nets to secure their seat – and a twice-to-beat advantage – in the play-in for the last playoff berth

The Portland Trail Blazers try to solidify their playoff hunt when they meet the Brooklyn Nets in their final seeding game of the NBA season on Thursday, August 13 (Friday, August 14, Manila time).

Now at 8th place in the Western Conference, the Blazers (34-39) must beat the Nets to secure their seat – and a twice-to-beat advantage – in the play-in for the last playoff berth.

A loss, however, could result in the Blazers slipping in the standings and pave the way for the Memphis Grizzlies (33-39), Phoenix Suns (33-39), and San Antonio Spurs (32-38) to take over.

The No. 8 and No. 9 seeds – to be determined by their winning percentage from the regular season and seeding games combined – will face in the play-in for the final playoff spot.

(READ: Race for West play-in seeds heats up)

All eyes will be on Damian Lillard in the Blazers’ most important game of the season after he erupted for 61 points, 8 assists, and 5 rebounds in the win that propelled them over the Grizzlies for the No. 8 seed.

The Nets (35-36), meanwhile, will just look to play spoiler and go into the playoffs on the right foot as they already clinched their postseason seat at 7th place in the Eastern Conference.

Game time is 9 am.

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