
Wesley So joins Carlsen, Nakamura in Elite Speed Chess Championship

Roy Luarca

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Wesley So joins Carlsen, Nakamura in Elite Speed Chess Championship
Fresh from ruling the US Chess Championship, Wesley So is seeded No. 4 behind Hikaru Nakamura, Magnus Carlsen, and Maxime Vachier-Lagrave

Wesley So has another time format to conquer as competes in the 2020 Elite Speed Chess Championship that started on Sunday, November 1 (Monday, November 2, Manila time).

Fresh from ruling the US Chess Championship last week, So is seeded No. 4 behind reigning back-to-back titlist Hikaru Nakamura, world champion Magnus Carlsen, and Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, who won his inaugural duel with 16-year-old sensation Nihal Sarin, 16.5-11.5.

The Bacoor, Cavite-born So, the Philippines’ top player before switching federations, is pitted against Nordirkbek Abdusattorov, another 16-year-old prime prospect from Uzbekistan on November 8.

Owing to his unbeaten 7-win, 4-loss record in the US Chess Championship So is favored over Abdusattorov.

Already a Grandmaster at 13, Abdusattorov topped the 19th Speed Chess Championship.

Carlsen, the 2016 and 2017 winner who skipped the last two editions, will tangle with Iranian GM Parkham Maghsoodloo on November 3.

Fast-rising Iranian Alireza Firouzja, the youngest member of the Elo 2700 club, faces dangerous Vladimir Fedoseev on November 4.

Russian No. 1 Ian Nepomniachtchi clashes with Armenian ace Levon Aronian on November 11.

Nakamura, a speed chess specialist with a Fide blitz rating of 2900, takes on Haik Martirosyan on November 12.

Other first-round matches pit Fabiano Caruana of the United States against Jan Krzyszdof of Poland and Anish Giri of the Netherlands against Vladislav Artemiev of Russia.

The winners will advance to the quarterfinals of the $100,000 event. –

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