Rappler Game Night: ‘Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom’


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Rappler Game Night: ‘Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom’
A kingdom begs to be saved once again in this sequel to the 2013 JRPG classic

MANILA, Philippines – JRPGs may not be as popular as they once were in the ’90s but from time to time, there are gems that catch the attention of gamers, beyond the hardcore JRPG set. 

One of them is the subject of this episode of Rappler Game Night, Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. Strange but strangely charming name, right? Ni No Kuni II is the sequel to a PS3 game released back in 2013. The first Ni No Kuni’s story was about a boy saving the world from an evil witch, using magic and the help of cute sidekicks. Sounds like every other JRPG? It might have been, except this one was created with the help of Studio Ghibli, the legendary Japanese animation studio. 

This time, the partnership with Studio Ghibli is no more. However, there’s still some creative connection as former Studio Ghibli character designer Yoshiyuki Momose still designed the characters for Revenant Kingdom while longtime Ghibli collaboratot Joe Hishaishi composed the music. Thanks to the two and their teams, the presentation is still quite lovely and charming.

So stick around, and join us as we try to survive a coup plot against young Prince Evan Pettiwhisker TIldrum, and try to master the game’s new battle system. – Rappler.com

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