LIST: 4 programs that let you watch online videos remotely with your friends

Kyle Chua

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LIST: 4 programs that let you watch online videos remotely with your friends
We’re rounding up a list of programs that allow you to host watch parties with your friends even though you’re all apart

With much of the country urged to stay at home and practice social distancing, it’s near impossible to host traditional watch parties and enjoy movies or shows with some company by your side. But that doesn’t mean you have to watch completely alone as a number of programs are letting you simultaneously stream online videos no matter where you are. 

Here are some of them:

Netflix Party

One such program is Netflix Party, a free Google Chrome extension that allows you to invite friends or family to join your online Netflix viewing sessions. 

What’s cool about it is that you can choose to give everyone in your invited group the ability to pause, play, rewind, and fast forward what you’re watching, so playback is always in total sync. It also creates a chatroom for you and your group to talk about what’s going on – the same way you would when you’re together in real life. 

However, as Netflix Party is only available as a Chrome extension, you can only use it on either a laptop or a desktop. 


TwoSeven is another browser Extension that shares similar synchronized playback features with Netflix Party.

The difference is this add-on supports a number of other video-streaming platforms aside from Netflix including Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, HBO, YouTube, and Vimeo among others. Interaction with the people you watch with is also not limited to text-based chatting as the program features built-in audio and video chat capabilities. 

The extension is available on both Firefox and Google Chrome browsers. 


Similar to TwoSeven and Netflix Party, Metastream is a browser extension that lets you create an online session to stream videos with your friends. 

But what sets it apart from other add-ons of its kind is that you and your group can build up a queue of videos you want to watch from different supported websites so that you can all enjoy an uninterrupted watch party. Supported platforms include Netflix, Hulu, Crunchyroll, and YouTube, to name a few. 

It is available on both Firefox and Google Chrome browsers. 


While it’s not a program for watching videos together – though, it can be – Squad is a messaging app that lets you video chat with up to six people while being able, at any point in time, share what you’re seeing on your screen. That means you can possibly watch Snapchat stories, scroll through Instagram feeds, or laugh at memes together all without leaving your homes. 

You can download the app on your iOS and Android devices. –

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