To save bandwidth, Steam to only update games you actively play

Victor Barreiro Jr.

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To save bandwidth, Steam to only update games you actively play
Steam is hoping to help users manage their bandwidth by tweaking its automatic update feature to actively work only on recently played games

MANILA, Philippines – Users of PC video gaming client Steam may have different sorts of connections at home to the internet, but with more people at home going online, bandwidth may become an issue especially if you play video games or download a lot of digital titles.

Steam is hoping to help users manage their bandwidth by tweaking its automatic update feature in light of the coronavirus pandemic and orders around the world to stay at home. (READ: An introverted techie’s thoughts on staying mentally healthy in a pandemic)

In a post on Tuesday, March 31, Steam said, “Only games played within the last 3 days will be updated immediately. As always, the game will begin updating immediately if you request to play it, and you can always initiate an update (or pause it indefinitely) through the Download Manager.”

Additionally, Steam said it was spreading out the scheduling of updates to other less active games as a result, leaving updates for these games for the “next off-peak local time period,” the company spreading the updates out over several more days.

Steam also reminded users of a number of active features it has, such as scheduling window times for updates, disabling automatic updates, and setting limitations by throttling your connection to Steam. Users can also transfer their installed games onto a remote drive and then return the files back into their computer should they choose to want to save space while lessening the need for a redownload of a game. More information on those features is available here. –

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Victor Barreiro Jr.

Victor Barreiro Jr is part of Rappler's Central Desk. An avid patron of role-playing games and science fiction and fantasy shows, he also yearns to do good in the world, and hopes his work with Rappler helps to increase the good that's out there.