Skype crash bug caused by 8-character message

Victor Barreiro Jr.

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Skype crash bug caused by 8-character message
Sending 'http://:' (without quotes) will crash Skype for a user and cause the Skype apps of message recipients to crash on startup

MANILA, Philippines – Skype is working to fix a crash bug that is affecting most versions of the application, the company said on Tuesday, June 2.

According to VentureBeat, sending the message, “http://:” (without quotes) will crash Skype on your end, while the recipient of the message will have Skype crash on start-up when he next opens the application.

Skype user Giperion told the Skype community forums that clearing your chat history will not help. Skype will attempt to download your chat history from its servers on startup, causing the crash again.

The bug appears to affect Windows, Android, and iOS, though tests from VentureBeat and The Verge have different findings for some operating system types.

A Skype spokesperson told VentureBeat it was “aware of the problem” and was working on resolving the issue. –

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Victor Barreiro Jr.

Victor Barreiro Jr is part of Rappler's Central Desk. An avid patron of role-playing games and science fiction and fantasy shows, he also yearns to do good in the world, and hopes his work with Rappler helps to increase the good that's out there.