Why don’t you just say sorry, Mocha?

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Why don’t you just say sorry, Mocha?
From rage to unprintable words, netizens react to Mocha Uson's video on federalism

MANILA, Philippines – Have the decency to apologize, wrote one netizen, tagging @MochaUson on Twitter. Then again, maybe that’s wishful thinking?

Netizens raged online from Sunday night, August 5, to Monday, August 6, over a video of Presidential Communications Assistant Secretary Mocha Uson and blogger Drew Olivar that featured them explaining federalism in a dance-and-song number. 

Olivar danced with his hands on his chest and crotch area while chanting, “I-pepe, i-pepe, i-dede, i-dede… ipederalismo!” The words “pepe” and “dede” are colloquial terms for vagina and breasts, respectively.

Despite the backlash online and even from among fellow public officials, Uson insisted in a Facebook post August 5 that they meant no harm. (READ: Medialdea annoyed by Mocha Uson federalism video controversy)

Here’s the full video:

Here’s what netizens have to say:


– Rappler.com





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