Kevin Ware snaps leg in 2 places

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MAJOR PAIN. Ware's teammates react as he lay on the floor writhing in pain. Photo by Andy Lyons/AFP

Louisville guard Kevin Ware suffers a gruesome leg injury during their match against Duke on March 31. With the Cardinals up by four with 6:40 left in the opening half, Ware challenges Blue Devil Tyler Thornton’s three-point attempt. But Ware lands hard on the court, grimacing in pain as part of his bone protruded from his skin. Louisville coach Rick Pitino later confirmed with SB Nation that Ware’s leg is broken in two parts, with the bone sticking 6 inches out of the skin. The injury leaves Ware out of the games for at least a year. The Cardinals rally around their teammate and dismantle Duke, 85-63, to advance to the Final Four against Wichita State next week.

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