Coming back to New Bataan

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HERO. Charlie Company Commander 1st Lt Marvin Deazeta at the V. Luna Hospital. Photo by Patricia Evangelista

A month ago, 1st Lt. Alex Marvin Deazeta and the men of Charlie Company tried to help residents of Compostela Valley flee from the wrath of Typhoon Pablo, the worst to hit Mindanao in 2012.  They boarded two army trucks, and when the flashfloods ripped through the area and engulfed them, the soldiers surged into water to try to protect the people.  It’s a heartwrenching tale of heroism and loss, but despite the deaths, Lt. Deazata says he will return to help New Bataan again.  More than 6.2 million Filipinos were affected by Typhoon Pablo, and most are still struggling to cope with its effects.  With social media and mobile phones, help is just a text away.

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