Gameplan: Amanda’s must-haves

Nikki Pua

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Gameplan: Amanda’s must-haves
Spending some time in the mountains is a worthwhile experience, from the breathtaking sights to the diverse groups of people you'll meet

MANILA, Philippines – Going on a trip to the mountains, especially if it’s your first time, requires preparation and being ready with contingencies. Gameplan host Amanda Fernandez shares what goes inside her backpack before heading up to Kalinga.


What To Bring:

1. Disinfectant

2. Insect repellant

3. Knife

4. Flint to make fire

5. Whistle

6. Quick energy-releasing food

7. Metal container for water that you can also heat

8. Multi-tools

9. Flashlight

Kalinga is nestled on an elevation 300 to 5,000 above sea level, which makes the climate cooler especially at night. Amanda also shares her gear must-haves to prepare for this environment.


What To Wear:

1. Raincoat/Jacket

2. Headgear to keep you warm

3. Comfortable clothes

4. Thermal undergarments

5. Compression gear

6. Thick wool socks

7. Shoes for rough terrain

Spending some time in the mountains is a worthwhile experience, from the breathtaking sights to the diverse groups of people you’ll meet. Amanda believes having the right clothes and essentials will make your trip safe, less stressful, and more enjoyable. “You always have to be prepared for the contingencies in the area that you’re in,” she says. –

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