WebHits: Space Glider


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The world is a beautiful place, even from 30,000 meters above ground level

WebHits–Rappler’s choice for video of the day. Send us your suggestions for our next WebHits on Twitter @rapplerdotcom, using the hashtag #webhits

MANILA, Philippines – The world is a beautiful place, even from 30,000 meters above ground level. 

In an attempt to send a radio controlled airplane to the edge of space, RC plane enthusiast David Windestal captures a breathtaking video of the Earth at an altitude of roughly 30,000 meters (98,425 ft).

Windestal first thought of attempting the feat in 2010 but he did not have the resources to do it so he parked the idea labeling it as a “dream.” A few years later, the dream becomes a reality. 


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