Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI will attend sainthood ceremony

Agence France-Presse

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The presence of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI at the ceremony will be the first time we see two living popes together to celebrate two deceased predecessors

WILL BE THERE. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI will attend the canonization ceremony to elevate John Paul II and John XXIII to sainthood and will celebrate mass with Pope Francis. AFP file photo

VATICAN CITY – Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI will attend the canonization ceremony to elevate John Paul II and John XXIII to sainthood and will celebrate mass with Pope Francis, the Vatican said on April 26, Saturday. (READ: Filipinos looking forward to canonization of 2 popes)

“Benedict XVI has accepted the invitation and communicated to Pope Francis that he will be present tomorrow morning at the canonization ceremony, which he will co-celebrate,” Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi told journalists at a briefing.

“He will co-celebate, which does not mean he will go to the altar,” he said. “We will all be happy to have him there,” he said.

The presence of the 87-year-old will for the first time ever see two living popes together to celebrate two deceased predecessors.  – Rappler.com

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