Romania reports 1st coronavirus case

Agence France-Presse

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Romania reports 1st coronavirus case


The Italian believed to be the source of Romania's first diagnosis tests positive for the deadly virus upon returning to Italy after a four-day visit to Gorj

BUCHAREST, Romania – Romania reported its first confirmed case of the novel coronavirus on Wednesday, February 26 – a man who was in contact with an Italian who visited the country last week.

“The patient, who is in good health and is showing no symptoms, will be transferred to Bucharest’s hospital of infectious diseases,” Health Minister Victor Costache told a press conference.

Seven other people who live at the same address as the man in the southeastern Gorj county have all tested negative but will be quarantined for 14 days as a precaution, emergency department official Raed Arafat said.

The Italian believed to be the source of Romania’s first diagnosis tested positive for the deadly virus upon returning to Italy after a four-day visit to Gorj.

New cases have been emerging across Europe, many linked to the continent’s coronavirus hotspot in northern Italy.

Several governments have advised against travel to Italy, which has now recorded 400 cases and 12 deaths.

The COVID-19 outbreak has killed over 2,700 people and infected more than 80,000 in 34 countries, although the vast majority of cases remain in China, according to the World Health Organization. –

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