Europe coronavirus death toll tops 30,000

Agence France-Presse

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Europe coronavirus death toll tops 30,000


(UPDATED) Most of the fatalities come from Italy and Spain

PARIS, France (UPDATED)  – The coronavirus pandemic has killed more than 30,000 people in Europe, more than three-quarters of the deaths registered in Italy and Spain, according to an AFP tally Wednesday, April 1, using official figures.

A total of 30,063 deaths have been recorded in Europe out of 458,601 cases, making it the continent hit hardest by COVID-19.

The most deaths were recorded in Italy, with 12,428 fatalities, followed by Spain with 8,189 and France with 3,523.

US death toll over 4,000

The latest European figures come just a few hours after the United States announced its death toll had risen to 4,076, according to a running tally by Johns Hopkins University.

That is more than twice the 2,010 recorded late Saturday and higher than the death toll in China, where the disease first emerged late last year.

The global death toll passed 40,000 on Tuesday, March 31.  –

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