El Salvador starts scheme for citizens deported from US

Agence France-Presse

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El Salvador starts scheme for citizens deported from US
With $420,000 in funding, the first phase of the program seeks to train an initial group of 100 returnees in micro- and small-business creation

SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador – El Salvador on Friday unveiled a program to help its citizens forcibly deported from the US integrate back into society in their homeland.

The scheme was announced by Foreign Minister Hugo Martinez as American officials were implementing a new policy of raiding homes to round up migrants who have deportation orders against them and fly them back to their countries, mostly to Central America and Mexico.

“Here we have clear recognition of the migrants’ worth as a source of knowledge and useful experience,” Martinez said.

With $420,000 in funding, the first phase of the program seeks to train an initial group of 100 returnees in micro- and small-business creation to give them a productive start in their home communities.

With just one training center to start, the plan will expand to have 14 centers across the country.

The returned migrants will also receive psychological counseling to help with the trauma of being deported, the minister said.

“We have faith they will give us the seed capital needed to start our new project” of reintegrating into Salvadoran society, said Carlos Rene Pineda, a 53-year-old unemployed tailor deported three months ago after living for 33 years in the United States. – Rappler.com 

He expressed hope of using $1,500 in promised aid to buy a machine to make trousers and shirts.

The United States deported 21,752 Salvadorans last year, according to government figures.

The number is expected to dramatically jump this year with the new round-up operation put in place by President Barack Obama’s administration. – Rappler.com

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