Growing with your child

Adrianna Mejia

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Growing with your child
Parenthood is a matter of development – yours and your child’s. Keep track of your child’s progress and stimulate his or her intellectual, motor, emotional and communication milestones

MANILA, Philippines – Raising a child is not just a matter of feeding them. It’s also about providing them with the right activities and stimuli to encourage them to grow in all aspects.

The brain continually develops and re-shapes itself to meet the demands each day brings [1] and your role is crucial especially during your child’s formative years. New activities will encourage your child to explore and discover on their own and help their brain to develop.

Brain development is activity-dependent, which means that the activity for the intellectual, motor, emotional, and communication areas of the brain shape how the brain functions. [2]

Your 3-year-old will be more curious and may want to discover things on their own. Now it’s your role to be there every step of the way and guide them through each new experience. Of course, giving them the proper food and nutrition can also help support  brain development.

Learn how you can take an active role in your child’s brain development with the infographic below. Hover your pointer above the icons to know more. 

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