How to get the most out of your workout

Adrianna Mejia

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How to get the most out of your workout
Your mind must be conditioned to perform at your best. Your body also needs to be prepared to meet your fitness goals

MANILA, Philippines – When working out, we push ourselves beyond our limit to be better. An extra set of reps despite the voice inside in our head saying that we can’t do it, or one more minute to hold up a plank even if the fatigue is kicking in.

Your mind must be conditioned to perform at your best. Your body also needs to be prepared to meet your fitness goals.

Want to make the most out of your workout? Here are some effective strategies.

Music for motivation

Music has always been known to be a good partner when it comes to working out. It serves as a good distraction and motivation.

Accountability buddy

Working out with someone is not only fun, but it also keeps you motivated to do better and keep you on track of what you have to do and finish. A study shows that any form of competition pushes one to do their best in a session.

Staying hydrated

Sometimes people would focus more on the number of reps they can reach or on their form for each exercise. These are critical things to consider; however, one should also know that hydration is key for optimal performance, as well as keeping workouts and sports safe.

Benefits of hydration

One natural way the body cools off is through perspiration, but if there is not enough water for the body then it will enter a state of dehydration.

Dehydration can affect the body’s performance. It can also lead to injuries, heat illness and even hypnoatremia or excessive loss of sodium and imbalance of electrolytes. It can also make exercise seem more difficult due to the increased strain and hard work that the body exerts.

The longer you work out, the more dehydration will affect performance. So always keep in mind that it’s important to drink fluids even before you feel thirsty, as thirst is a sign that your body is well on its way to feeling dehydrated.

Drinking fluids before you start sweating is just as important as staying hydrated during exercise. A rule most athletes try to live by is to minimize fluid loss to not more than 2% of their body weight. More than that may lead to increased fatigue, reduced endurance and illnesses related to heat.

It’s always good to have water with you for any sport or workout. Sports drinks can also help replace lost electrolytes and carbohydrates during high intensity exercise that would last for more than an hour. (READ: Listen to your body: Why hydrate?)

The most important thing to remember when you get into a sport or workout is this: the road to getting better is not just about pushing yourself to get that extra rep or minute in. It’s also about listening to your body. 

Take care of your body and put purpose to every session. In time, you will be able to feel good about yourself all the time, even before you go to the gym or out on the track. –

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