
Why you should eat your burger upside down says this world-famous ketchup brand


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Why you should eat your burger upside down says this world-famous ketchup brand
Heinz has partnered with Pound x Flatterie to make a case for upside down burgers

Editor’s note: This content is sponsored by Heinz and was produced by BrandRap, the sales and marketing arm of Rappler. No member of the news and editorial team participated in the publishing of this piece.

We don’t need many reasons to eat a burger. It’s a complete and delicious meal with protein, carbs, and vegetables all on its own. It’s the ultimate comfort food! But what if someone tells you that the best way to eat a burger is upside down? You might raise an eyebrow and ask for reasons why. 

Well, Heinz can help you with that. 

Reason #1: You’ll get a more flavorful top bun

Since the thicker top bun will now be at the bottom, it’ll be able to soak up the meaty juices of the burger patty, making it more flavorful. Imagine the soaked cake of tres leches but in burger form. Yum!

Reason #2: You’ll keep the burger components from falling off

No one likes to deal with slip and sliding tomatoes, pickles, and onions while eating a burger. It’s just plain messy. But eating your burger upside down might just do the trick. Since they get better support by being at the bottom part of the burger with the thicker bun, there’s a lower chance they would fall off.

Reason #3: Your taste buds will get immediate access to the condiments

When you eat your burger the right side up, it usually takes a while before the condiments hit your taste buds. It might even drip to the sides of the burger instead of going into your mouth. But if a burger is made with Heinz Tomato Ketchup made with real red ripe tomatoes and Heinz Seriously Good Mayonnaise made with the fresh free-range eggs, you would want to have a taste of these condiments right at the very first bite. Eating your burger upside down will make that happen for you.

Celebrating Upside Down Burger Day

Heinz is making such a strong case for eating your burger upside down that they turned the celebration of International Burger Day to Upside Down Burger Day.

Last May 31, Heinz partnered with Pound x Flatterie in Greenbelt 3 to conduct a social experiment. They served burgers made with Heinz Tomato Ketchup and Heinz Seriously Good Mayonnaise upside down to the surprise of their customers. It may have looked weird at first, but after the customers tried this strange way of eating a burger, they were convinced that they could no longer go back to how it was before.

If you’re curious about the upside down burger experience, you can try Heinz’s limited-edition upside down burger in collaboration with Pound x Flatterie. It’s available from June 10 to July 10, 2023. Who knows? You might also discover your new favorite way of enjoying this crowd-favorite comfort food. – Rappler.com

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Established in 1869, Heinz is a globally recognized producer of delicious foods and known for great taste, fun, art, and culture. If it's inspiring and adds flavour to food and life, we're on it!