
Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) fortifies faith, eyes expansion for 50th year

Saab Lariosa

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Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) fortifies faith, eyes expansion for 50th year
Here’s how the 50-year-old organization is bringing in the younger generation

In a grand display of unity, commitment, and faith, the Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) concluded their Golden Anniversary Celebration last August 27 in Tarlac.

Marking half a century of spiritual enrichment and community growth, the religious organization packed the New Clark City Athletics Stadium with over 42,000 delegates from all over the country and other parts of the world to celebrate the theme “Celebrating the Past, Fortifying the Present, Expanding the Future.”

With the program set to start at 4 pm, the grounds were already filled with buses as early as 8 am, with excited 4th Watchers reserving their seats and taking in the sights of the sprawling stadium. Although heavy rains were expected that day, attendees still came in droves to prove their commitment – rain or shine.

INTERNATIONAL CELEBRATION. Undeterred by the relentless rain, over 42,000 members of the Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) assembled at the New Clark City Athletics Stadium to celebrate their church’s 50th anniversary

Amid the speeches, song numbers, and affirmations of faith, one of the day’s highlights was Bishop Jonathan S. Ferriol formally taking his oath as the newly-appointed Deputy Executive Minister to the Apostle Arsenio T. Ferriol. 

“Gaya ng Iyong sinabi na kung kami’y nagkakatipon, ang aming pagkakaisa dito sa lupa’y dadalhin sa langit,” said Apostle Arsenio T. Ferriol. “Kaming nananampalataya na sa gitna ng ulan ay ipagpapatuloy namin ang Iyong gawain.”

Meanwhile, Bishop Jonathan Ferriol said regarding the new role: “As we enter our fifth decade, our brethren can expect a renewed vigor in carrying out our mission of championing Jesus’ command: To spread the message of the Gospel, with a voice loud and clear.”

ORDINATION. Bishop Jonathan S. Ferriol was formally appointed as Deputy Executive Minister to Apostle Arsenio T. Ferriol in a solemn ceremony during the PMCC (4th Watch)’s Golden Anniversary celebration.

Senators Bong Go, Raffy Tulfo, and Robin Padilla were also in attendance and shared some words to the PMCC (4th Watch) members. They also presented the Senate Resolution 719 co-authored by Senators Cynthia Villar, Imee Marcos, Bong Go, and Nancy Binay recognizing PMCC (4th Watch) for their 50th anniversary milestone.  

The event ended with a grand fireworks display that twinkled over the Tarlac grounds and treated the attendees who had been enjoying the hours-long event.

Albeit the grand celebration, this momentous event serves as the culmination of the PMCC (4th Watch)’s commemoration of their 50th year, as they have been conducting outreach missions all over the country and around the world in anticipation of the anniversary.

SINGING PRAISE. Young members of the PMCC (4th Watch) have demonstrated their faith and resolve to continue the legacy of Apostle Arsenio T. Ferriol, according to Bishop Jonathan S. Ferriol.

With this milestone serving as a reaffirmation of the principles that have guided PMCC (4th Watch)’s  journey through the years, the question comes to mind: what’s next? For the Deputy Executive Minister, the younger generation plays a big part in both the church’s present and future.

“The young people serve as one of the backbones of our ministry, you see them everywhere,” Bishop Jonathan S. Ferriol said. “They are [the] ones engaged in our event set-up and organization, they are the ones volunteering to serve in our short-term missions. Many of our young people are in our church leadership and you will see that the PMCC (4th Watch) is quite young vis a vis the other established religions in the country.”

True enough, their golden anniversary celebration was emphasized by the young and enthusiastic volunteers who performed elaborate  dance numbers, sang worship songs, and overall made the grand event possible.

GRAND WORSHIP. PMCC (4th Watch)’s Golden Anniversary celebration was preceded by a grand worship and thanksgiving, with songs of strong faith resounding throughout the New Clark City Athletics Stadium.

“[In PMCC (4th Watch),] we see a leadership that remains zealous, passionate, and committed and we are going to continue with our legacy of spreading the message of hope to people because our generation is in dire need of saving,” Bishop Ferriol added.

For a 50-year-old “young” organization like PMCC (4th Watch), this is only the beginning of their story. The golden anniversary celebration not only served as a reminder of their rich history, but as a glowing path forward for its devoted members in the years ahead. – Rappler.com

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Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch)

The Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) is a global religious community of vibrant and growing congregations in over 70 countries of the world. Since its inception in 1973, the PMCC (4th Watch) has established itself as a church that champions the command of Jesus Christ to preach the Gospel all over the world. As a result of its relentless and impassioned evangelism and discipleship, millions are impacted, saved, and transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.