education in the Philippines

‘You Can Homeschool!’: Family fair set for November 11

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‘You Can Homeschool!’: Family fair set for November 11
PRESS RELEASE: The event is Educating for Life’s celebration of 10 years of supporting families and valuing education, especially within the homeschooling community

The following is a press release from Educating for Life.

Parents are invited to “You Can Homeschool! 10th Anniversary Edition” – Educating for Life’s celebration of 10 years of supporting families and valuing education, especially within the homeschooling community.

Educating for Life said this is its way of looking back at the first-ever event of the same name they organized in 2013 and the other events and efforts they had done through the years.

“It’s also our way of looking forward to the future, as we hope to continue serving the homeschooling community in our own way. So it’s not a homeschool fair… it’s not a homeschool convention… it’s a celebration!” Educating for life said.

The event will be on November 11, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm at UP Bahay ng Alumni in Quezon City. (You can find the detailed schedule here.)

“We’re hoping to gather parents who are new to homeschooling, those who are already homeschooling, and those who may be exploring homeschooling as an educational option for their kids,”Educating for Life said. –

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