Professional Regulation Commission

RESULTS: December 2023 Technical Evaluation for Upgrading as Professional Electronics Engineers

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RESULTS: December 2023 Technical Evaluation for Upgrading as Professional Electronics Engineers
PRESS RELEASE: The Professional Regulation Commission announces that 45 passed the technical evaluation

The following is a press release from the Professional Regulation Commission.

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 45 passed the Technical Evaluation for the Upgrading as Professional Electronics Engineers given by the Board of Electronics Engineering in NCR this December 2023.

The members of the Board of Electronics Engineering are Engr. Alnar L. Detalla, Chairman, Engr. Enrico Claro R. Delmoro and Engr. Herminio J. Orbe, Members.

Registration for the issuance of Professional Identification Card (ID) and Certificate of Registration will start on December 18, 2023.

Here is the list of passers.


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