Seair sets ups new airline for leisure travelers

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Seair is wooing travelers to leisure destinations with its new unit Seair International Inc
MANILA, Philippines – Local carrier South East Asian Airlines, Inc. (Seair) is expanding to service more international routes and leisure destinations with its new airline, Seair International Inc.
Seair’s application to put up another airline, filed in April, has been approved by the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB).
The new unit will woo the leisure destination markets. CAB executive director Carmelo Arcilla said, “The Seair International is going to be like a full service airline but its main focus is on leisure destinations.” 
Meanwhile, Seair Inc will continue to service low-cost and nearby destinations, such as Boracay, Batanes, Cebu, Macau, Singapore, Hong Kong and others. 
Seair International Inc. will use smaller turbo-prop aircraft and the larger Airbus aircrafts for its domestic and regional destinations. 
The new airline of Seair is likely a result of a recent CAB order stopping Seair and its marketing partner, Singapore-based Tiger Airways, from executing plans to launch Manila-Cebu and Manila-Davao flights.
CAB slapped the two with a cease and desist order since Tiger flights will reportedly take routes reserved for local airlines. 
Given that the case has yet to be resolved it is no surprise that Seair president Avelino Zapanta maintained, “Seair International is purely going to be an all-Filipino owned airline backed by a triple star holding company as new investors.”
While Zapanta said TigerAir will not be involved once Seair International is put up he would not disclose details and the Singapore budger carrier has already agreed to buy a 32.5% stake in Seair, worth $6 million.
Still the issue of foreign ownership could be moot depending on the degree to which the Aquino Administration institutes Executive Order 29, the president’s ‘open skies’ policy which allows more foreign airlines to fly in and out of the country freely. –

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