Duterte admin to businessmen: Build ‘coalitions for reform’

Paterno R. Esmaquel II

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Duterte admin to businessmen: Build ‘coalitions for reform’

Manman Dejeto

'We cannot transform government without transforming the community,' incoming Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez says

DAVAO CITY, Philippines – The Duterte administration challenged businessmen on Monday, June 20, to build “coalitions for reform” as the incoming government stressed the need for good governance not only in the public sector.

“Enough of the political coalitions. Those have been done. Today, I challenge the business community to build coalitions for change in every sphere of our social life,” incoming Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez said on the first day of the Sulong Pilipinas business workshop in Davao City.

“Let us build public-private partnerships not just for projects but to transform our national community into a cooperative enterprise that brings out the best in everyone and delivers the best for all,” he added.

Dominguez explained that “coalitions for reform” will prevent economic growth from only “further entrenching the oligarchy.” He added that “when government performs better, the consumer benefits in the end.”

A rare event convened by President-elect Rodrigo Duterte’s economic team, the Sulong Pilipinas business workshop gathers more than 300 businessmen at SMX Convention Center in Davao City.

Sulong Pilipinas aims to gather recommendations from businessmen on Duterte’s 10-point Socioeconomic Agenda.

‘Good governance in private sector’

Duterte’s economic team earlier presented an 8-point Socioeconomic Agenda.

They recently added two more items:

  • Promoting science, technology and the creative arts “to enhance innovation and creative capacity”
  • Strengthening the implementation of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law “to enable all, especially poor couples, to make informed choices on financial and family planning”

For the Duterte administration to achieve its goals, Dominguez on Monday said the private sector plays a crucial role.

“We cannot transform government without transforming the community,” he said.

“We cannot evolve a rules-based economy without a rules-based ethos for the whole community. We cannot have good governance in the public sector without good governance in the private sector,” Dominguez added.

Duterte himself is expected to address the Sulong Pilipinas participants on Tuesday afternoon, June 21. – Rappler.com

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Paterno R. Esmaquel II

Paterno R. Esmaquel II is a senior multimedia reporter covering religion for Rappler. He also teaches journalism at the University of Santo Tomas. For story ideas or feedback, email pat.esmaquel@rappler.com.