WATCH: Kobe Bryant in hilarious hidden camera prank on ‘Ellen’

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WATCH: Kobe Bryant in hilarious hidden camera prank on ‘Ellen’
Kobe tells a doctor about his sweating problem in this hidden camera prank

MANILA, Philippines – Kobe Bryant sweats way too much – at least, that’s what he told the doctor he pranked on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Kobe, guided by Ellen through an earpiece, introduced himself to the doctor before showing her a jar of his sweat from the first quarter of his last game.

The 5-time NBA champion, famously known as the Black Mamba, recently retired, scoring 60 points for the Los Angeles Lakers during his last NBA game.

“I’m gonna sell it on Ebay,” he told the doctor. “But if you wanna buy it, I’ll give you first crack at it.”

The doctor, to her credit, remained professional, asking if he had taken any recent medical exams and answering Kobe’s questions about botox helping with excessive sweating.

Ellen’s “#HiddenCameraPranks” is a regular segment on her show where she tells her celebrity accomplices what to say and do to unsuspecting strangers. Recently, Ellen pranked a couple of Jamba Juice baristas with the help of singer Adele.

What did you think of Kobe Bryant’s prank? Who do you want to see in Ellen’s next “#HiddenCameraPranks?” Sound off in the comments! –

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