Isabelle Daza apologizes for post on ‘hats vs African children’

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Isabelle Daza apologizes for post on ‘hats vs African children’

Alecs Ongcal

'Buy this hat for my Africa looks or feed children in Africa for the same price?' asks Isabelle Daza in a now-deleted Instagram Stories post

MANILA, Philippines – Actress Isabelle Daza apologized on Monday, April 10, following social media backlash on one of her Instagram Stories posts.

Some social media users criticized the actress when she posted a photo of herself wearing a cap, captioned: “Buy this hat for my Africa looks or feed children in Africa for the same price? What would Angelina Jolie do?”

Isabelle, who is currently in Africa on vacation with her husband Adrien Semblat, has since deleted the post.


Famine is looming in the African countries of South Sudan, Nigeria, and Somalia, where millions of people are in need of food aid, due to conflict-driven crises. (READ: South Sudan suffering ‘man-made’ famine)

In another Instagram Stories post, Isabelle said: “Hi guys, I just want to apologize for the previous IG Story post on ‘Africa vs hats.’ It didn’t come off the way I played it in my head – it was insensitive and offensive and I take full responsibility for my actions. 

“It was a lapse in judgement and I appreciate the feedback from you guys. Moving forward, I will be more mindful of what I post. Again, I am sorry.”

Screengrab from Instagram Stories/isabelledaza


One of her fans also shared a private message exchange between herself and Isabelle. The fan said she called Isabelle out on the photo, and Isabelle replied with an apology. 



In 2015, Isabelle also received backlash for using the hashtag “#SiquiWhores” on a trip to Siquijor. Then vice-governor and singer Dingdong Avanzado has since clarified that he and the actress have ironed out the issue. –

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