Kris Aquino vs Mocha Uson: Bong Go says ‘sorry for incident’

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Kris Aquino vs Mocha Uson: Bong Go says ‘sorry for incident’
'Thank you for taking my feelings as a daughter into consideration and showing me empathy,' Kris tells the top presidential aide

MANILA, Philippines – Will “sorry” cut it? 

A day after lashing out against communications assistant secretary Mocha Uson for supposedly disrespecting the memory of her late parents, Kris Aquino on Wednesday, June 6, said top presidential aide Bong Go apologized for the “incident.” 

The “Queen of All Media” said it “took courage” for her to contact Go, one of President Rodrigo Duterte’s most trusted men. 

“In this instance I am Ninoy Aquino’s daughter – he believed in the power of true & honest communication… SA Bong, thank you for your reply. Thank you for taking my feelings as a daughter into consideration and showing me EMPATHY. I am most grateful for a man as powerful as you are now for texting and vibering me the words ‘we are sorry for the incident,” she said on Instagram, in a post that featured a quote from Frederik Noel. 

Read Kris’ post in full here:

I took the courage to reach out to PRRD’s SA Bong Go (sorry sa initial post, nag auto correct to Gong- although cute yung Bong Gong.)… thank you commissioner Aimee Neri for helping me reach him via text. I have known and liked him for 8 years. In this instance I am Ninoy Aquino’s daughter – he believed in the power of true & honest communication… SA Bong, thank you for your reply. Thank you for taking my feelings as a daughter into consideration and showing me EMPATHY. I am most grateful for a man as powerful as you are now for texting and vibering me the words ‘we are sorry for the incident.’ You have my sincere gratitude. We all have one goal, a nation we can be proud of, and the best possible prosperous lives for all Filipinos. I love our country as much as our president does. I pray for #PEACE & mutual #respect for all of us. God bless you.


I took the courage to reach out to PRRD’s SA Bong Go (sorry sa initial post, nag auto correct to Gong- although cute yung Bong Gong. )… thank you commissioner Aimee Neri for helping me reach him via text. i have known & liked him for 8 years. In this instance i am Ninoy Aquino’s daughter- he believed in the power of true & honest communication… SA Bong, thank you for your reply. Thank you for taking my feelings as a daughter into consideration & showing me EMPATHY. I am most grateful for a man as powerful as you are now for texting & vibering me the words “we are sorry for the incident.” You have my sincere gratitude. We all have 1 goal, a nation we can be proud of, and the best possible prosperous lives for all Filipinos. I love our country as much as our president does. I pray for #PEACE & mutual #respect for all of us. God bless you.

A post shared by KRIS (@krisaquino) on

While vacationing in Japan with her children and team, Kris went all-out on social media, slamming Mocha for dragging her parents in the Malacañang official’s defense of the president.

On Facebook, Mocha reposted old footage of the late Ninoy Aquino – Kris’ father – being kissed by two women moments before he was gunned down at the tarmac of what was then the Manila International Airport.

Mocha did this to defend Duterte from backlash after he kissed a Filipina during a state-funded official event in South Korea. 

Kris – in true multimedia influencer fashion – lashed out against Mocha via an Instagram post and later, a live video aired both on Instagram and Facebook. 

“This is a direct challenge to you. Text me, you can find my number, it’s so easy. Name the place, name the location, let’s carry it live. Bring all your followers…. I can stand alone,” Kris said in the live video. (WATCH: ‘I’m ready for you. I don’t know if you’re ready for me’ – Kris Aquino to Mocha Uson)

“This is about Cory and Ninoy Aquino. This is about a woman who never knew them…but who continues to besmirch their name. Girl, ako na lang. Kayang-kaya ko (Pick on me instead. I can handle it).”

Mocha has yet to respond to Kris as of this posting. –


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