The ‘Aliens’ meme guy is returning to Manila for HISTORY CON 2018

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The ‘Aliens’ meme guy is returning to Manila for HISTORY CON 2018
Giorgio Tsoukalos will be back in town to talk about what else? Aliens

MANILA, Philippines – Giorgio Tsoukalos, more commonly known as “that guy from the ‘aliens’ meme,” is coming back to Manila.

He of the ET theories and iconic hair will be appearing at the HISTORY CON 2018 for an exclusive live session called “Mysteries of the Past with Giorgio A. Tsoukalos.”

The session will be similar to the History Channel show Ancient Aliens (the very show that birthed the now-immortal meme), which explores the possibility of extra-terrestrial astronauts being part of ancient human history.

Due to either limited slots or aliens (of course), only those who avail of the HISTORY Maker VIP Pass or the HISTORY Maker Pass can request to attend Giorgio’s session.

Giorgio, who first made contact with Filipino fans at the 2016 convention, said: “I am incredibly excited to be returning to Manila for HISTORY CON 2018.”

“The Philippines is home to some of Ancient Aliens’ most passionate fans, and I look forward to delving into some of the most enduring questions surrounding Ancient Astronaut Theory and engaging in the age-old debate: did extra-terrestrial beings really help shape human history?” he added.

HISTORY CON 2018 will run from August 10 to 12 at the World Trade Center in Pasay City. Tickets are at P350 (general admission), P2,500 (HISTORY Maker Pass), and P10,000 (HISTORY Maker VIP Pass, limited to 100 slots), and are available via SM Tickets. –

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