Rodrigo Duterte

Hudson breaks down anew

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As the trial against her former brother-in-law continues, the star has had to shed more tears

ONGOING ORDEAL. Hudson has to face the memory of her family's murder every single day. Photo from, by Weight Watchers.

CHICAGO, Illinois – Hudson sobbed uncontrollably in the April 26th hearing for her family’s murder when her childhood friend and ex-boyfriend James Peyton took the stand.

Peyton was best friends with Jason Hudson, Jennifer’s brother, who was among murder suspect William Balfour’s victims.

Payton said he saw with his own two eyes Balfour selling drugs. Balfour has had several juvenile convictions in the past.

Balfour, on the other hand, has claimed that he was driven to commit the murders by jealous rage, thinking his estranged wife, (Jennifer’s sister) Julia, was dating another man.

The murder victims are Hudson’s 57-year-old mother Darnell Donerson, 29-year-old brother Jason Hudson, and 7-year-old nephew Julian King (who was affectionately nicknamed Juice Box).

Hudson and Peyton were together in 2006, at the height of her “Dreamgirls” success. She is now engaged to law school graduate-turned-professional wrestler David Otanga. –

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