Tom Felton on Kim Kardashian’s Draco-inspired hairdo

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Tom Felton on Kim Kardashian’s Draco-inspired hairdo
Kim vs Draco Malfoy – whose 'do wins the duel?
Screengrab from YouTube (Draco) and Instagram (Kim)

MANILA, Philippines – Actor Tom Felton commented on Kim Kardashian’s new platinum blonde look, which she recently debuted a few days before. 

Tom, who played conniving but tortured Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter series, took to Instagram to post his his reaction to Kim’s new hair:

“So apparently Kanye has a Draco fetish….#muse,” he wrote. 

In the post, he referenced a duel scene from The Chamber of Secrets, the second film in the Harry Potter franchise – but posted a photoshopped picture of Kim as Draco instead. 

Check out the original scene below:


So who wins the duel of the ‘dos? Kim or Draco? Let us know in the comments below. –

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