Filipino Franchesca Lagua eliminated from ‘Asia’s Next Top Model’

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Filipino Franchesca Lagua eliminated from ‘Asia’s Next Top Model’

Mark Fredesjed R. Cristino

Joining her in the bottom 2 was fellow Filipino-Australian Amanda Chan

GOODBYE FRANCHESCA. She is the first Filipina to go. Photo by Mark Cristino

MANILA, Philippines – Franchesca Lagua was eliminated from the 3rd season of Asia’s Next Top Model. She is the first Filipino to leave the competition. 

Joining her in the bottom two in episode 5 was fellow Filipino-Australian Amanda Chan, who was said to have also been a weak link in the episode, according to the judges. 

In the episode aired on April 22, the girls tried their hand at acting with the help of Singaporean actor Daniel Mananta. Afterwards, they honed their selfie skills by posing with members of the public.


The only two Filipinas remaining are Amanda and Monika Sta. Maria, who has been a strong contender in the competition.

The final challenge of the day involved a mock campaign photoshoot for Close-Up Diamond Attraction. –

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