celebrity pregnancies

Alex Gonzaga shares that she had suffered a 2nd miscarriage


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Alex Gonzaga shares that she had suffered a 2nd miscarriage

Screenshot from Toni Gonzaga's Youtube channel

She and husband Mikee Morada had been trying for a child via in-vitro fertilization (IVF), but the procedure had failed

MANILA, Philippines – Actress-host Alex Gonzaga has gone public with her second miscarriage.

In a video interview posted on her sister Toni Gonzaga’s Youtube channel on Sunday, November 5, Alex disclosed that she and husband Mikee Morada had been trying for a child via in-vitro fertilization, but the procedure had failed.

“During that time, I felt so pressured [to get pregnant],” Alex said in Filipino. “I was pressured by the people who say, ‘Isn’t she pregnant yet?'”

“Mikee should be given an award for being too kind,” Alex added. “Because whenever I ask him, he’s always, ‘I’m okay.’ Then I told him, ‘Mikee, I’m sorry. It’s not successful again.’ Then he said I shouldn’t be apologizing, that I had plenty of other embryos and we would try again.”

Alex assured Toni that she had made peace with the miscarriage.

Alex had previously suffered a miscarriage in October 2021. She and Mikee got married in November 2020. – Rappler.com

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