Filipina actresses

‘From two embryos, to one, then to none’: Empress Schuck suffers miscarriage

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‘From two embryos, to one, then to none’: Empress Schuck suffers miscarriage

EMPRESS SCHUCK. The actress shares photos from an oath-taking ceremony in June 2022.

Empress Schuck's Instagram

'This year, we would've been a family of four or even five,' says the actress

MANILA, Philippines – Actress Empress Schuck disclosed that she had suffered a miscarriage in late 2023. 

In an Instagram post on Monday, January 1, Schuck shared that they were supposed to welcome a new addition to their family in 2024. 

“This year, we would’ve been a family of four or even five. From two embryos, to one, then to none,” she wrote, alongside a photo of a sonogram with two embryos and positive pregnancy kits.

The celebrity vlogger added that she’s still “not sure how to talk about” the loss. “I just know that sometimes our plans for ourselves don’t align with God’s plans for us.” 

Schuck then went to express her gratitude towards husband Vino Guingona, saying that he was “God’s blessing” during this “puzzling experience.” 

“We may not exactly understand how we feel about this but having each other is enough to say that everything will be okay,” she added. 

Fellow celebrities including Melissa Ricks, Iya Villania, Jason Abalos, Ryza Cenon, Chito Miranda, and Sue Ramirez sent messages of support and comfort towards the couple in the comments section. 

Schuck and Guingona, who have been dating since 2014, tied the knot in 2021. They welcomed their first child, a daughter named Athalia, in 2015. –

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