Filipino celebrities

Kim Jones opens up on choosing to drop out of college

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Kim Jones opens up on choosing to drop out of college

Kim Jones' Instagram

'I dropped out. I like to learn at my own pace and without limits,' Jones says.

MANILA, Philippines – Kim Jones revealed on Instagram on Thursday, December 7, that she chose not to finish college.

In a question-and-answer session with her broadcast channel members, a user asked what course Jones took up in university and if she was able to graduate.

“I dropped out. I like to learn at my own pace and without limits,” Jones said.

The 36-year-old had taken up architecture before eventually choosing to not finish her studies. She explained that curriculum-based education didn’t match her learning style.

“I studied architecture because I like the scale, permanence, and utility of it. But the Gemini rising in me said hard no to curriculums,” Jones added.

However, it seems that architecture still holds a place in Jones’ heart as she also shared in a separate answer that Rococo is her favorite type of architecture.

Now, Jones works as a filmmaker, fashion blogger, model, entrepreneur, and all-around creative, having collaborated with major brands like Louis Vuitton, Calvin Klein, Gucci, and Bottega Veneta, among others.

The digital creative is also known for frequently sharing her reading journey on Instagram, where she gives her followers a glimpse of the books she has read each month.

Jones got engaged to actor Jericho Rosales in 2013. They later wed in May 2014. –

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