
Oscar 2024 nominees to unwrap gift bags with luxury trips, Rubik’s Cubes


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Oscar 2024 nominees to unwrap gift bags with luxury trips, Rubik’s Cubes

Preparations continue for the 96th Academy Awards Awards in Los Angeles, California U.S., March 6, 2024.

REUTERS/Carlos Barria

This year's Oscar swag bags include swanky items worth over $170,000, with the most expensive treat a trip to a luxury chalet in the Swiss Alps

LOS ANGELES, USA – This year’s Oscar gift bags will have nominees well-rested with great skin and full stomachs.

For the 22nd year, Lash Fary, founder of Los Angeles-based marketing company Distinctive Assets, has put together a mix of treats for a select number of nominees at the Academy Awards.

“We call it ‘Everyone Wins’ and we do this independently of the Academy, which means I get to decide who gets it and it’s only the top acting and directing nominees,” Fary told Reuters.

“That’s 25 people this year and we also get to decide what goes in it and it’s some fabulous stuff this year.”

The swag bag includes nearly 60 items worth over $170,000, with the most expensive a $50,000 dollar trip to a luxury chalet in the Swiss Alps.

Companies pay a fee for their spot in the bag, but the exposure to A-list celebrities can be priceless.

“They’re so famous and their names have such value and such cachet and that’s exactly what they can bring to these products,” Fary said.

Other gift bag items this year include beauty products, movie-inspired chocolates, gourmet popcorn, sleep aide products, as well as a Rubik’s Cube.

The Academy Awards take place on Sunday, March 10. – Rappler.com

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