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LOOK: Pope playfully spars with ‘Rocky’ star Sylvester Stallone at Vatican


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LOOK: Pope playfully spars with ‘Rocky’ star Sylvester Stallone at Vatican

Pope Francis meets actor Sylvester Stallone at the Vatican, September 8, 2023.

Vatican Media/­Handout via REUTERS

Introduced to Stallone and his family, Pope Francis says how much he enjoyed the actor's films

VATICAN CITY, Rome – Pope Francis playfully pretended to box with Sylvester Stallone during a meeting with the Rocky star at the Vatican on Friday, September 8.

Introduced to Stallone and his family, the Pope said how much he enjoyed the actor’s films, prompting a smiling Stallone to clench his fists as if ready to spar, saying, “Ready, we box.”

Pope Francis meets actor Sylvester Stallone at the Vatican, September 8, 2023. Vatican Media/­Handout via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS – THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY.

The 86-year-old Francis, who was walking with the aid of a stick, jabbed his left fist in response, prompting applause from the actor.

Stallone, who is 77 and has Italian origins, made his name with the series of films that trace the fortunes of fictional fighter Rocky Balboa. – Rappler.com

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