Filipina actresses

Sharon Cuneta flies abroad to ‘collect myself, gain strength’

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Sharon Cuneta flies abroad to ‘collect myself, gain strength’

Sharon Cuneta in one of her 'Your Face Sounds Familiar' tapings

Photo from Sharon Cuneta's Instagram

'I need to breathe, collect myself, gain strength,' says Sharon

Sharon Cuneta said on Tuesday, May 11 that she’s flying abroad without her family, saying she “needs to breathe.” 

In an Instagram post, Sharon shared photos of her at the airport wearing a protective gear and following safety protocols.  “I’m going home. Of course my real home, where my heart is, is where my husband and children are. But tonight, I am flying home to my Mommy’s Gramp’s country, where only my eldest and I are legal residents,” she said. 

“I need to breathe, collect myself, gain strength. Love you and will miss you guys,” Sharon continued. The singer-actress didn’t specify which country she’s going to or how long she will be staying there. 

In a separate post, she also shared photos of an emotional moment with her family. Sharon was seen embracing her husband, Senator Kiko Pangilinan and their three children, Frankie, Miel, and Miguel. 

“Praying and saying bye to my family,” she wrote as a caption. 

Sharon’s relatives and showbiz colleagues left wishes for safe travel in her comments section. 

“I love you Mama, please Facetime me every minute of every day,” said Frankie. Gary Valenciano hoped for a “safe and fulfilling journey” for Sharon. 

Screenshot from Sharon Cuneta’s Instagram

On Wednesday, May 12, Sharon told followers that she already arrived in Los Angeles, USA. “Home in L.A. with one of my lifelong best friends on the planet, Lorraine… Thank you Jesus for a safe and enjoyable flight,” she wrote.

Sharon is currently a judge in the ABS-CBN celebrity competition Your Face Sounds Familiar. Sharon has been vocal about her plans to “semi-retire” from

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