
Talks between studios, striking US actors to restart Tuesday


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Talks between studios, striking US actors to restart Tuesday

SAG-AFTRA members walk the picket line on the 100th day of their ongoing strike outside Paramount Studios in Los Angeles, California, U.S., October 20, 2023. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni

Mario Anzuoni/REUTERS

Talks broke down last week as the sides clashed over streaming revenue and the use of artificial intelligence

Negotiations between media companies and the union representing striking US actors will restart on Tuesday, the two sides said in a joint statement on Saturday, October 22.

Talks broke down last week as the sides clashed over streaming revenue and the use of artificial intelligence. The strike has disrupted film and television production, leaving thousands of crew members without work as well as the actors. 

Members of SAG-AFTRA, which represents 160,000 actors and other media professionals, have been on strike since July. The union is seeking a deal with the Alliance for Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), which negotiates on behalf of studios.

“SAG-AFTRA and the AMPTP will meet for bargaining on Tuesday, October 24th at SAG-AFTRA Plaza. Several executives from AMPTP member companies will be in attendance,” said the joint statement. It gave no further details.

Hollywood’s film and television writers ratified a new, three-year contract earlier this month, ending their 148-day work stoppage. – Rappler.com

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