
Ex-T-ARA member A-reum to remarry after settling divorce


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Ex-T-ARA member A-reum to remarry after settling divorce

A-reum's Instagram

The former T-ARA member says her ex-husband caused her 'immense pain'

MANILA, Philippines – Former T-ARA member A-reum shared in an Instagram post on December 10 that she will be marrying her new partner after settling her divorce with her ex-husband.

“I found someone I always want to be with. He is so precious to me that I didn’t want to reveal him. This person is someone who taught me what happiness when I was worn down by many things, and he is someone who has perhaps been hurt much more than me. He is the only person who ran to me when I was having a hard time even though he might have been harmed,” she wrote, according to a translation from Soompi.

A-reum shared that she is still in the process of finalizing her divorce from her ex-husband. She bared that before meeting her current partner, she lived in “immense pain.”

She further stated that while she has proof of her ex-husband’s wrongdoings, she has chosen not to publicize it for the sake of their children.

The former K-pop star hinted that her ex-husband had cheated on her, defining cheating as loving someone else while being with another person. She shared that she gave birth to her second child alone.

A-reum warned her followers that malicious comments will not be tolerated, so she hopes that they will send her comments of support instead.

“We will be officially registering our marriage as soon as the [divorce] lawsuit is over, and we promised to get married,” she added.

The former T-ARA member also claimed that her ex-husband refuses to comply with the divorce process despite having been separated from each other for years already.

β€œ[He] is not letting me get a divorce even thought it has been a divorce since a few years ago. We just haven’t been able to [get the papers] signed by the court,” she continued.

A-reum was added to the K-pop girl group T-ARA in 2012, three years after the group debuted in 2009. She joined the subunit T-ARA N4 in April 2013 but left later that same year to pursue a solo career. – Rappler.com

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