Filipino movies

Aga Muhlach, Julia Barretto to star in ‘Forgetting Canseco’

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Aga Muhlach, Julia Barretto to star in ‘Forgetting Canseco’

Viva Films' Instagram

The movie will be helmed by Denise O'Hara

MANILA, Philippines – Aga Muhlach and Julia Barretto are teaming up for the first time in the upcoming film Forgetting Canseco. 

Based on photos shared by Viva Films during the story conference held on Tuesday, July 4, Barretto will portray Jasmine Rodriguez, an independent and outspoken woman who dreams of becoming part of an internationally renowned choir. Aga will play Michael Capistrano, a chorale conductor. 

The movie will be helmed by Denise O’Hara, whose previous works include Mamang and Tayo Muna Habang Hindi Pa Tayo.

According to an ABS-CBN News report, O’Hara described the film as their “love letter and tribute” to Filipino composer George Canseco. 

“We want to introduce him to the new generation who no longer hears his music nowadays. We are using rearranged versions of Canseco music. We are excited about that,” she was quoted as saying. 

Both Muhlach and Barretto also expressed their excitement in working together for the project. 

“As an actor, it is a blessing to be able to work and experience an actress like Julia at this point and time in my life,” Muhlach said. 

Meanwhile, Barretto shared that it’s a dream come true for her to work with Muhlach, who also previously worked with her aunts Gretchen and Claudine. 

“I’m deeply honored and really grateful to be a part of this,” she said. “I meant it when I said I’m excited but really nervous. I’m working with the original heartthrob and the legend.” 

Additional details, such as target release date and other cast members, have yet to be announced. –

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